Posts Tagged ‘sciencedaily’
I thought I would do a very quick posting this week and point you to a range of useful articles I have recently found
1. 7 Fantastic Free Social Media Tools for Teachers
If you haven’t registered yourself on then do so. It is a great way to keep up to date on the latest in tech stuff. I have added the first part of this article but go to the link for the rest!
The possibilities for social media tools in the classroom are vast. In the hands of the right teacher, they can be used to engage students in creative ways, encourage collaboration and inspire discussion among even soft-spoken students. But we’ve already made our case for why teachers should consider using social media in their classrooms. What about the how?
Even when people say they want to incorporate social media, they don’t always know the best ways to do so. It’s especially daunting when those efforts can affect the education of your students.
To help, we’ve collected seven of the the best classroom tools for incorporating social media into your lesson plans.
2. Neuroscience, Health and more
I have also registered to receive ScienceDaily updates ( which keeps me up to date on the latest science news from around the world. It collects and sends me summaries of the latest research in a wide range of science arenas such as neuroscience, breakthroughs in nanotech, research into climate change, and so on. Now, I love it mainly because I am a bit of tech-head at heart (hey! you don’t get 3 degrees in science and engineering without being a tech-head), however it reinforces hwo qucikly the world is changing and shifting. It keeps my thinking and presentations fresh and up to date – especially when I talk to Science teachers.
Here are some recent articles I found interesting:
Young Teens Who Play Sports Feel Healthier and Happier About Life
Brain’s Impulse Control Center Located
The Fancier The Cortex, The Smarter The Brain?
Brain Activity Differs For Creative And Noncreative Thinkers
3. New York Times Education Section
The New York Times Online has a great education section worth reading at times
4,100 Students Prove ‘Small Is Better’ Rule Wrong
Forget What You Know About Good Study Habits
4. The Age Education Section
As does The Age in Melbourne.
Teachers told to take control
What links and websites have you found useful?