Posts Tagged ‘critical thinking’

Good questions drive learning and thinking. They arise from the outcomes of learning we are intending for our students and they form part of a dialogue we have with students to prod and probe student thinking. They give our classrooms its feel and energy and, as such, questions are culture builders. Good questions are only half of the equation, we must listen deeply as well so that we can put forth questions that push students to elaborate and clarify their thinking.


Using Questions to Achieve Thinking Goals

Ron Ritchhart, in his article The Real Power of Questions, identified how teachers could use questions in different contexts to achieve four specific goals around thinking:Learning Challenge Model

  1. To model intellectual engagement with ideas
  2. To promote and nurture ongoing inquiry
  3. To support students in constructing understanding
  4. To help students clarify their own thinking to themselves and others

Ritchhart unpacks each of these with case studies (the article is well worth reading) and then ends by suggesting that our questions are an “outward manifestation” of our context about learning, its purposes, and its processes.

But what makes a good question and what is a good approach to creating an environment that accomplishes these four goals?


Research Findings on What Works

Kathleen Cotton in Classroom Questioning summarized the research into classroom questioning and found the following:

General Findings

Instruction which includes posing questions during lessons is more effective in producing achievement gains than instruction carried out without questioning students.

Oral questions posed during classroom sessions are more effective in fostering learning than are written questions.

Asking questions frequently during class discussions is positively related to learning facts.

Increasing the frequency of classroom questions does not enhance the learning of more complex material.

Cognitive Level of Questioning

On the average, during classroom interactions approximately 60 percent of the questions asked are lower cognitive questions, 20 percent are higher cognitive questions, and 20 percent are procedural. Therefore, only 20 percent of the questions we ask students involve intellectual engagement with learning, inquiry, or developing understanding

Lower cognitive questions are more effective when the teacher’s purpose is to impart factual knowledge and assist students in committing this knowledge to memory

In most classes, a combination of higher and lower cognitive questions is superior to exclusive use of one or the other

Simply asking higher cognitive questions does not necessarily lead students to produce higher cognitive responses.

Increasing the use of higher cognitive questions (to considerably above the 20 percent incidence noted in most classes) produces superior learning gains for students

Teaching students to draw inferences and giving them practice in doing so result in higher cognitive responses and greater learning gains.

Wait Time

  • The average wait time teachers allow after posing a question or hearing a student’s answer is one second or less. If teachers can extend their wait times to 3 or more seconds then there are improvements in student achievement, retention, length of responses, and higher cognitive responses (amongst other outcomes)


Questioning Strategies

To accomplish the goals of questioning we need to be clear about and articulate the learning goals we are trying to achieve with students, we need to be aware of the frequency we ask questions (and the students ask each other), and we need to provide a framework for the questions students ask.

Below you will find links to a range of resources you could explore to develop your capacity to create a culture of questioning. If you are interested in accessing the full set of material please just ask!

A Typology of Classrooms Questions

Blooms Taxonomy Question Stems

Einstein’s 55 minutes

Teach Like a Champion Summary

Teaching Students to Ask Their Own Questions

Austin’s Butterfly  – a beautiful example of how we can develop student capacity to deliver excellence through questioning within a framework

Rachel Grieve in her article recently in The Conversation discussed the importance of spreading the scientific thinking skills across the curriculum. And as researchers and teachers realise the more that we develop the cognitive abilities of students the more they can become independent learners and drive the learning.

However, the biggest barrier to implementation is not in recognising that developing students to be meta-cognitive is important but in the HOW. How could schools go about structuring their learning to have this happen? What could be some of the approaches that schools could embed to support the development of critical thinking, resilience and grit? I have put together some references, workshops and articles to start you on your way.

Thinking Science Australia – University of Western Australia

The University of Western Australia has developed the Cognitive Acceleration through Science Education (CASE) program which is an intervention program design to specifically develop cognitive abilities in students. The program is based on five principles: Concrete preparation, Cognitive Conflict, Social Construction, Meta-cognition, and Bridging. The evidence base for Thinking Science Australia shows a noticeable improvement in students’ ability, not only in Science but in English and Mathematics also.

Thinking Science at Mt Alvernia, QLD

Mt Alvernia College in Kedron, QLD has been implementing the Thinking Science program with their Year 8 students for the past few years and will be running a two day workshop on August 1 and 2 in Brisbane for all interested parties. The two days will involve hands on practice and training in “using cues and questioning to engage and facilitate student-based conversation and to promote intrinsic learning” and all the practicalities of how to develop a thinking environment. You can find out more information here.

Making Learners Extraordinary

This is a brilliant website reflects the work of Tait Smoogen and his foundation on developing extraordinary learning environments. Tait is in the midst of unpacking the principles of what leads to extraordinary teachers and extraordinary learners. What he has identified thus far include: The Power of the Puzzle, Deep Observation, Meta-Active Thinking, Talk-it-out, and Co-Constructing the Curriculum.

There are also a range of articles that are worth reading which flesh out this area

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