It is always pleasing to know when a difference has been made. Although it is rare to find out the effects of working with schools and teachers over a long period of time we recently discovered that an article had been written in a major Victorian newspaper about two schools we have been working with.
How one school ditched drugs and violence to become a ‘grammar school’
We have been working consistently with two of the five schools mentioned in the article – Epping SC and Reservoir HS. We have no doubt that both schools would say that we have made a significant difference to their academic and leadership culture. One of the powerful aspects of working so long with a school – which is our desire – is that we grow together. Our commitment is to provide the staff, students and parents what they need to be empowered and successful in their role.
- Critical friend coaching of senior leadership team
- Action-research coaching of middle leaders
- Partnering them in the development of their strategic plan
- Growing Middle Leadership and Aspiring Leadership sessions
- Facilitating a range of curriculum planning and pedagogy initiatives including their path into Positive Psychology
- Curriculum day presentations
Reservoir High School – since 2013
- Critical friend coaching of senior leadership team
- Action-research coaching of middle leaders
- Partnering them in the development of their strategic plan
- Growing Middle Leadership sessions